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Does Ovulation Make You Tired? Reason Behind Your Tiredness

By Sara Winslow

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For many women, the menstrual cycle is accompanied by a range of physical and emotional changes, including fatigue. While most people associate tiredness with the premenstrual phase, some women may also experience a noticeable dip in energy levels around ovulation. This article will explore the link between ovulation and fatigue, delving into the underlying causes, symptoms, and strategies to manage this common phenomenon.

Key takeaways:

Ovulation can cause fatigue and tiredness due to hormonal shifts, particularly the rise in progesterone levels, which has a sleep-inducing effect. Physical discomfort, emotional sensitivity, and increased sexual activity during the fertile window can also contribute to feelings of fatigue.
Sleep patterns can be disrupted during the luteal phase (post-ovulation) due to the interaction between hormones like melatonin, progesterone, and estrogen, leading to potential sleep disturbances and increased fatigue.
To manage ovulation-related fatigue, it is recommended to prioritize sleep, stay hydrated, practice moderate exercise, manage stress, and maintain a balanced diet.

What Does Ovulation Do To Your Body?

Ovulation is a crucial event in the menstrual cycle, during which a mature egg is released from one of the ovaries. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), ovulation typically occurs around the 14th day of a 28-day cycle, marking the midpoint. During this time, the body undergoes a series of hormonal changes to prepare for potential fertilization and implantation.

Ovulation Fatigue

As stated by Dr. Sherry Ross, an OB/GYN and women’s health expert at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, “Ovulation is a complex process orchestrated by a delicate interplay of hormones, primarily estrogen and progesterone. These hormonal fluctuations can trigger a range of physical and emotional symptoms.”

Ovulation Fatigue: Does Ovulation Make You Tired?

Fatigue and tiredness around ovulation can be attributed to several factors, with hormonal changes playing a significant role.

The rise and fall of hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone, can influence energy levels. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), progesterone levels increase during the luteal phase, which begins after ovulation. This hormone has been shown to exert a sleep-inducing or hypnotic effect in some individuals, potentially contributing to feelings of fatigue.

Some women may experience mild abdominal cramps or pelvic pain during ovulation, known as mittelschmerz. This discomfort can be draining and contribute to fatigue. As Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale University, explains, “The discomfort associated with ovulation can be physically taxing, leading to a sense of tiredness.”

The hormonal shifts during ovulation can also impact emotional well-being. Mood swings and increased sensitivity may occur, which can be mentally and emotionally draining, leading to feelings of fatigue.

During the fertile window, which spans several days before and after ovulation, some women may engage in more frequent sexual activity to conceive. This physical exertion can contribute to feelings of tiredness.

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Does Sleep Change Over The Menstrual Cycles?

Sleep patterns can indeed fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, with ovulation being a potential factor. According to a study published in the Journal of Sleep Research, sleep quality tends to be better during the follicular phase (leading up to ovulation) compared to the luteal phase (post-ovulation).

During the luteal phase, the efficacy of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles, decreases due to its interaction with progesterone and estrogen. This hormonal interplay can lead to disrupted sleep patterns and contribute to fatigue.

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The Link Between Ovulation And Fatigue

While the exact mechanisms are not fully understood, research suggests a strong connection between ovulation and fatigue. As mentioned by the CDC, fluctuating hormone levels during ovulation can impact energy levels and sleep patterns [2]. Additionally, a study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility found that women reported higher levels of fatigue during the periovulatory phase compared to other phases of the menstrual cycle [6].

Managing Fatigue During Ovulation

Although ovulation-related fatigue is a common experience, there are several strategies women can employ to manage their energy levels:

During the ovulation phase, aim to get adequate rest by maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a sleep-conducive environment. This can help counteract the potential disruptions caused by hormonal changes.

Proper hydration is crucial for overall well-being, including energy levels. Ensure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day, as dehydration can exacerbate feelings of fatigue.

While excessive exercise can be counterproductive, moderate physical activity can boost energy levels and improve mood. Opt for low-impact exercises like walking, yoga, or swimming during this phase.

Stress and emotional strain can contribute to fatigue. Practice stress-management techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or engaging in relaxing activities to promote a sense of calm.

A nutrient-rich diet can provide the necessary energy and support optimal hormone regulation. Focus on whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates.

What Can I Do To Be Comfortable During Ovulation?

While ovulation-related fatigue can be challenging, there are several strategies to promote comfort and well-being during this phase:

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to your body’s cues and allow yourself to rest when needed. Adjusting your schedule or delegating tasks can help alleviate stress and conserve energy.

Practice Self-Care

Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. This could include taking a warm bath, practicing yoga, or indulging in a favorite hobby.

Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your partner, friends, or family members for assistance or emotional support during this time. Sharing your experiences can help normalize the process and provide a sense of community.

Consider Supplements (with Medical Supervision)

If fatigue persists or becomes severe, consult with a healthcare professional about the potential benefits of supplements or alternative therapies.


Ovulation is a natural and essential part of the menstrual cycle, and for many women, it can be accompanied by fatigue and tiredness. While the underlying causes may vary, ranging from hormonal shifts to physical discomfort and emotional sensitivity, understanding this phenomenon can help women better manage their energy levels and overall well-being during this phase.

By incorporating strategies such as prioritizing sleep, staying hydrated, exercising moderately, managing stress, and maintaining a balanced diet, women can navigate the ovulation phase with greater comfort and ease. If fatigue becomes persistent or severe, it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to explore potential underlying causes and personalized treatment options.

Remember, every woman’s experience with ovulation and its associated symptoms can be unique. Embracing self-care, listening to your body’s needs, and seeking support when necessary can go a long way in promoting overall well-being throughout the menstrual cycle.


1. Why do I feel so tired during ovulation?

The tiredness experienced during ovulation is primarily due to hormonal fluctuations, particularly the rise in progesterone levels, which can have a sleep-inducing effect. Additionally, physical discomfort, emotional sensitivity, and increased activity during the fertile window can contribute to feelings of fatigue.

2. Why do I feel so bad when I ovulate?

Along with fatigue, some women may experience other symptoms during ovulation, such as abdominal cramps, breast tenderness, mood swings, and increased bodily discomfort. These changes are often caused by the hormonal shifts that occur during this phase of the menstrual cycle.

3. Do you pee more during ovulation?

Some women may experience an increase in urinary frequency or urgency around the time of ovulation. This can be attributed to the hormonal changes that occur during this phase, which can affect the bladder and urinary tract.

4. How do I know my ovulation day?

Some women may experience an increase in urinary frequency or urgency around the time of ovulation. This can be attributed to the hormonal changes that occur during this phase, which can affect the bladder and urinary tract.

5. What color is ovulation discharge?

During ovulation, cervical mucus may become more abundant, clear, and stretchy, often resembling raw egg whites. This change in consistency and appearance is designed to facilitate sperm movement and improve the chances of fertilization.

6. What age is sperm most fertile?

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, sperm quality and fertility are generally highest in men between the ages of 25 and 35. However, it’s important to note that individual factors, such as overall health and lifestyle choices, can also impact sperm quality and fertility.


Sara Winslow

Sara Winslow is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist with over 15 years of experience in providing comprehensive women's healthcare services. She received her medical degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where she graduated with honors. Dr. Winslow completed her residency in obstetrics and gynecology at the prestigious Mayo Clinic, gaining extensive training in various aspects of women's health, including reproductive health, prenatal care, gynecological surgery, and menopause management.

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