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What Can I Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal? And What To Avoid?

By Johanna Kalons

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Have you heard of the removal of wisdom teeth? A typical dental treatment that many people have, usually in their late teens or early twenties, is the extraction of wisdom teeth. “What can I eat after wisdom teeth removal?” is one of the most commonly requested questions, even though recovery times can differ from person to person. It can be painful to heal, and eating the correct nutrients can have a big impact on how quickly you heal.

In this article, we’ll explore 15 foods that are safe to eat after wisdom teeth removal, as well as foods to avoid.

Key takeaways:

After wisdom teeth removal, it’s important to eat soft, easy-to-chew foods such as applesauce, yogurt, pudding, smoothies, oatmeal, milkshakes, etc.
The emphasis typically lies on dietary choices, yet being aware of what not to consume following the teeth extraction is crucial.
The recovery phase can exhibit variability from person to person; however, most dental professionals advocate for a soft or liquid diet during the initial days following wisdom teeth removal.

15 Foods To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Foods To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Applesauce: Soft, smooth, and easy to swallow, applesauce is an excellent choice for those recovering from wisdom teeth removal. It’s also a good source of vitamins and fiber.

Yogurt: Creamy and nutrient-dense, yogurt is a great option for those looking for something filling and easy to consume. Go for plain or Greek yogurt, and avoid crunchy toppings or nuts.

Pudding: Smooth and creamy, pudding is a comforting treat that can be enjoyed after wisdom teeth removal. Opt for sugar-free varieties to avoid irritating the extraction sites.

Smoothies: Blended fruits, vegetables, and dairy products make smoothies a nutritious and drinkable option. Straws should not be used since they can loosen blood clots and hinder recovery.

Mashed potatoes: A classic comfort food, mashed potatoes are soft, easy to swallow, and can be a great way to get some nutrients and energy during recovery.

Soups: Warm, liquid-based soups can be a soothing and nutritious choice. Stick to broths or creamy soups, and avoid chunky soups or those with large pieces of meat or vegetables.

Scrambled eggs: Soft and protein-rich, scrambled eggs can be a great breakfast or snack option after wisdom teeth removal.

Oatmeal: Warm, comforting, and easy to swallow, oatmeal is a versatile choice that can be topped with soft fruits or a drizzle of honey.

Avocado: Ripe avocados are soft, nutrient-dense, and can be mashed or blended into smoothies or dips.

Hummus: Smooth and flavorful, hummus can be a great source of protein and can be enjoyed with soft pita bread or vegetables.

Mashed bananas: Ripe, mashed bananas are soft, sweet, and packed with potassium, making them a great snack or addition to smoothies.

Cottage cheese: Soft, creamy, and high in protein, cottage cheese can be a filling and nutritious option.

Jell-O: While not particularly nutritious, Jell-O can be a refreshing treat and a way to get some fluids during the recovery process.

Ice cream: Cold, creamy, and soothing, ice cream can be a comforting treat after wisdom teeth removal. Opt for softer varieties and avoid crunchy toppings or mix-ins.

Milkshakes: A classic post-surgery treat, milkshakes can be a delicious and nutritious way to get some calories and protein during recovery.

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What To Avoid After The Wisdom Teeth Removal?

While the focus is often on what you can eat, it’s equally important to know what to avoid after wisdom teeth extraction. Here are some foods to steer clear of:

Crunchy or hard foods: Anything that requires significant chewing or biting, such as chips, nuts, or hard candies, should be avoided as they can dislodge blood clots and cause bleeding or painful irritation.

Spicy or acidic foods: Spicy and acidic foods, like hot sauces, citrus fruits, and tomato-based dishes, can cause pain and irritation to the extraction sites.

Caffeine and alcohol: Caffeine and alcohol can both dehydrate the body and perhaps impede the healing process.

Carbonated beverages: The carbonation in sodas and other fizzy drinks can irritate the extraction sites and cause pain or dislodge blood clots.

Small seeds or grains: Foods like sesame seeds, poppy seeds, or quinoa can easily get stuck in the extraction sites and cause discomfort or infection.

Chewy or sticky foods: Sticky foods are one of the worst items for teeth according to URMC. Gummy candies, caramel, or other chewy or sticky foods can adhere to the extraction sites and cause pain or dislodge blood clots.

How Soon Can You Eat Normally After Extraction?

The recovery process can vary from person to person, but most dental professionals recommend sticking to a soft or liquid diet for the first few days after wisdom teeth removal. As the healing progresses, you can gradually introduce more solid foods, but it’s essential to listen to your body and avoid anything that causes pain or discomfort.

Generally, most people can resume a normal diet within a week or two after the procedure, depending on how quickly the extraction sites heal. However, it’s crucial to avoid certain foods, such as crunchy or chewy items, for several weeks to allow the extraction sites to fully close and heal.

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Final Thoughts

Wisdom teeth removal can be a challenging experience, but choosing the right foods can help make the recovery process more comfortable and promote faster healing. By sticking to soft, nutrient-dense foods and avoiding crunchy, spicy, or acidic items, you can minimize discomfort and ensure a smooth recovery.

Remember to listen to your body and follow your dentist’s or oral surgeon’s instructions for the best possible outcome.


Can I eat ramen after wisdom teeth removal?

While ramen noodles may seem like a soft and easy-to-consume option, it’s generally best to avoid them in the first few days after wisdom teeth removal. The noodles can become sticky and potentially get stuck in the extraction sites, causing discomfort or infection. Once the initial healing has progressed, you may be able to consume.

What fast food can you eat after wisdom teeth removal?

Soft options like milkshakes, smoothies, or thick soups from fast-food chains may be suitable in moderation. It’s best to stick to softer, homemade foods during the initial recovery period.

Can I eat 3 hours after tooth extraction?

It’s generally recommended to wait at least 24 hours before consuming any solid foods after tooth extraction. During the first 24 hours, it’s best to stick to clear liquids, such as water, broths, or juices, to avoid disturbing the blood clots and allow the healing process to begin. After 24 hours, you can gradually introduce soft, nutrient-dense foods like yogurt, pudding, or mashed potatoes.

How do you flush wisdom teeth holes?

Gently rinsing the mouth with warm salt water can help flush out any food particles or debris from the extraction sites and promote healing. To do this, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, swish the solution around in your mouth, and gently spit it out. Avoid vigorous swishing or rinsing, as this can dislodge blood clots. It’s generally recommended to start salt water rinses 24 hours after the procedure and continue them until the extraction sites have fully healed.


Healthdirect (2024) Removing wisdom teeth Available online at: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/surgery/removing-wisdom-teeth

WebMD (2005-2024) Wisdom Teeth Removal: What Adults Should Expect Available online at: https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/wisdom-teeth-adult

Johanna Kalons

Dr. Johanna S. Kalons, is a dedicated and compassionate dentist practicing in Charlotte, North Carolina, Dr. Johanna S. Kalons has built a reputation for delivering exceptional dental care. With a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from the prestigious University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, her expertise lies in Oral Appliance Therapy for the treatment of sleep apnea.

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